Autor: Dragan JOVAŠEVIĆ
Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2019
Revistă disponibilă: aici.
Abstract: Criminal Legislation of the Republic of Serbia, which started applying as of 1 January 2006, provides for criminal responsibility and punishment for several criminal offences against safety of computer data. Those are computer criminal offences which a perpetrator (who obviously has unique, special knowledge of information, computer technology – IT sector) commits by abuse of computers, computer systems or network, thereby causing material or non-material damage to other natural or legal persons, as well as a whole social community. The basis of those incriminations are European standards established under the Budapest Convention on Cyber Criminal and Additional Protocol to this Convention, as well as many other European documents. The paper analyses basic characteristics of computer criminal offences in Serbia and the degree of their compatibility with European standards.
Keywords: computer abuse; European standards; crime; responsibility; sanction.