Autor: Georgiana TUDOR

Publicat în: Curierul Judiciar nr. 4/2018

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Rezumat: Problemele de drept pe care le relevă prezentul articol privesc încadrarea juridică a faptelor săvârșite, răspunderea penală a persoanei juridice, măsura confiscării, efectele hotărârii judecătorești.

Cuvinte-cheie: contract de finanțare; infracțiuni împotriva intereselor financiare ale UE; infracțiuni concurente; acţiunea civilă în procesul penal.

Târgu Mureș Court of Appeal, Criminal section and for juvenile and familly cases, Decision no. 274 dated 22.05.2015 (Case Law Study)

Abstract: The actions of the defendant who, as project manager and representative of the beneficiary of the investment – the Local Council, presented false, incorrect or incomplete statements or documents, which has as its effect the misappropriation or wrongful retention of funds from the EU budget, constitute the offense provided by art. 181 par. (1) of the Law no. 78/2000 and art. 17 par. (1) lit. c) of the Law no. 78/2000 referring to art. 290, art. 291 and art. 292 of Criminal Code, each applying the provisions of art. 35 par. (1) of Criminal Code. The actions of the same defendant who, in the same context, knowingly failed to provide all the data which he was required to communicate as project manager, data that were requested to him as additional information, constitute the offense provided by art. 181 par. (2) of Law no.78/2000.Special confiscation is ordered for the defendant, even if the funds obtained unjustly did not return directly to his patrimony (but to the association he was leading and to the company he controlled).

Keywords: financing contract; offences against the EU financial interests; concurrent offences; civil action in criminal proceedings.