Autor: Simona Cireșica OPRIȘAN
Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 6/2019
Revistă disponibilă online: aici
Home detention regime – between expectations and reality
Abstract: Continuous development of types of non-custodial sanctions as ways of combating crime, reducing the damage caused by it, avoiding the negative effects of deprivation of liberty, increasing the possibilities of executing these alternatives to the imprisonment and, last but not least, by reducing of detention costs have guided European Union Member States to create and introduce the most appropriate Community sanctions and measures to respond to these desires. The successful introduction of alternatives requires credibility, support of the public who must abandon the prejudice that a more relaxed criminal policy with less severe punishments encourages criminality, or that public humiliation or intrusive tracking of the persons undergoing penalties is permissible, and even necessary, to highlight the status by the offender. Equally, the successful introduction of alternatives1depends on the judiciary that can not hesitate to make them available on a large scale whether is possible, but also on the involvement of many agencies (probation service, the bodies of the Ministry of the Interior, local authorities, etc.) to implement non-custodial sanctions.
Keywords: non-custodial sanctions; regimes for enforcement; electronic monitoring; the judge of surveillance of imprisonment; workers specifically designated by the Ministry of the Interior;