Autor: Andriana Cotorobai
Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr.5/2019.
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: Sexual violence is the most serious and influenceable form, in negative terms, of physical and
moral assault over any person. Rape occupies first place among the crimes regarding sexual life and
must be regarded as the characteristic crime for this group of crimes, representing the most serious
form of breach of social relations and ethical and moral values whose protection represents the
purpose of incrimination and punishment of crimes concerning sexual life. Taking into consideration
the fact that the success of any man is owed to a healthy psychic, which is irrepressibly affected
following a rape, a detailed analysis of this crime of increased seriousness shall be performed in the
concerned article.
Keywords: crime, rape, sexual violence, law, incrimination.