Autor: Jašarević N. OSMAN

Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 2/2017

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Abstract: This educational work is the essay of authors from various fields of theory and practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina, trying to provide users with a theoretical practical institute regarding the role of the Prosecutor as a state body and a party in criminal proceedings that could help legal practitioners and practitioners in their everyday work. The work that you will have in front of you is part of a series of works that have already been elaborated thanks to generous theoreticians and practitioners who support „Journal” of Eastern-European Criminal Law Timisoara. Within this scientific project, the themes covering the key topics of criminal substantive and procedural law, with emphasis on procedural law, were taken into account. The proposal for this topic was given by the Journal Committee for the Education of Judges and Prosecutors of the Republic of Romania, as now most important, given the implementation problems that have emerged with recent legal reforms in these fields. Users of this work and other works of the same and similar topics are invited to contribute to the improvement of this Module through constructive critical feedback, since it is the author’s intention to continuously update and improve this educational material.

Keywords: prosecutor; state body; party in criminal procedure.