Autor: Laurenţia Florentina GĂIŞTEANU (ŞTEFAN)
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2018
Disponibil onlineaici.
Abstract: Respecting the medical secrecy is one of the essential conditions underlying the protection of private life. Medical information obtained from patients in the context of a physician – patient relationship should be protected by confidentiality. Disclosure of personal health care data without the agreement of the person is a touch brought to private life. One particular feature of the health care system is the healthcare provided to patients in detention. Even though the doctor-patient relationship in the penitentiary environment has a number of peculiarities, it is coordinated according to the same ethical principles as in the public one. The penitentiary physician’s duty is not limited to consultation and treatment, he often becomes the prisoner’s personal physician, and the means of relationship must respect the fundamental rights of the patient, regardless of his or her status. In the penitentiary system, there are also many dilemmas arising from the duties of the medical staff, the first of the detainee’s personal physician and the second of the penitentiary administration’s counselor. The medical specialist in a penitentiary must take into account that communicating with the patient is essential in the doctor-patient relationship and she must be sincere. In determining the attitude of the patient towards the doctor and the medical act, the context of the first contact with the doctor, the way in which the first medical consultation takes place, is of great importance. Trust is gradually gaining, and medical staff must strive to demonstrate that they can ensure the protection of prisoners’ medical records.
Keywords: medical secret; penitentiary; health condition; detainee; secret.