Autor: Mircea DUȚU
Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 5/2017
Disponibil online: aici.
Titlul lucrării în engleză: Considerations referring to necessary reassessments on the offence of contamination of water (Article 356 of the Criminal Code)
Abstract: Present in the Romanian Criminal Code (Article 356), with ancient tradition of incrimination, the contamination of water makes the transition from the offences against public health to those concerning the environmental protection, meaning that, although being, in principle, a hazard offence, it involves an immediate result (harmful nature). This situation creates a series of difficulties in practice, including in terms of evidence, as it arises from the recent case law, a fact that requires a series of clarifications.
Keywords: water; contamination of water; pollution; immediate result; hazard offences; environmental offence.