Autor: Valentin MIRIŞAN

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 7/2015

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Titlul lucrării în engleză: Point of view regarding preliminary ruling in a case of County Court of Bihor

Abstract: The author presents a certain point of view concerning preliminary ruling in a case of County Court of Bihor.

The analysis includes author’s commentary on the preliminary ruling, on the founding arguments for the preliminary ruling, on considerations regarding ruling’s illegality, acknowledging the doctrine developed by important names in the field of law (N. Volonciu, A. S. Uzlău, R. Moroșanu, V. Văduva, D. Atasiei, C. Ghigheci, C. Voicu, G. Tudor, T. V. Gheorghe, C. M. Chiriță).

Concluding, the author presents his opinion on the possibility of preliminary ruling rectification.

Keywords: preliminary ruling; county court Bihor.