Autor: Gheorghe DOBRICAN
Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 7/2015
Disponibil online: aici.
Titlul lucrării în engleză: The incorrect qualification of certain public notary deeds as crime
Abstract: The author analyses the incorrect qualification of certain public notary deeds as crime.
The analysis includes author’s commentary on decisions of the High Court with regard to notary deeds qualifying as crime, the mandate, abuse of office, document forgery and on the criminal liability of notaries, considering the doctrine developed by important names in the field of law (Gh. Dobrican, V. Dongoroz, S. Feller, M. Eliescu, S. Neculaescu, M.N. Costin, D. Alexandresco, I. Zinveliu, C. Turian, M. Duțu, Gh. Piperea, D. Dumitru, R. Dincă, F. Moțiu, G. Antoniu, Gh. Dărânga, D. Lucinescu, T. Vasiliu, I. Popa, A.A. Moise, O.A. Stoica, M. Sandu, V. Papadopol, I. Fodor).
The author concludes with brief considerations on the causes generating unfounded and illegal judgments and decrees.
Keywords: notaries; High Court decisions; crime; mandate; document forgery; criminal liability of notaries; unfounded and illegal judgment and decree.