Autor: Flaviu CIOPEC
Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2017
Revistă disponibilă: aici.
Abstract: A few months ago, Romania celebrated three years since the enforcement of a new criminal legislation. In February 2014, after a long period of maturation, there came into force a new criminal code and a new criminal procedure code. Together, these legal instruments have aimed to transform the context of repression in Romania and to certify that the most modern solutions of criminal legislation are applied. This study focuses on a 3-year-perspective of the criminal procedure code (hereinafter the CPC) and tries to identify what are the tendencies in Romanian criminal justice. Since its enforcement, the CPC has been amended eight times by Government’s Acts and five times by Parliament’s Acts and refined by more than 40 decisions of the Constitutional Court. It is the time (medium term) and the place (Journal of Eastern European Criminal Law) to expose an insight of one of the most important legislative changes in modern Romania.
Keywords: crime control; due process; tendencies in criminal justice; Romania; new criminal legislation.