Autor: Zoran PAVLOVIĆ
Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2017
Revistă disponibilă: aici.
Abstract: The ICT development has introduced a new form of violence among children and juveniles, generally described as cyber bullying, but also known as electronic violence, online violence, cyber violence et al. It is regularly manifested through the following pattern: sending the threatening, insulting, vulgar or otherwise inappropriate messages either directly to victims, or through the public announcements available to larger groups (social networks in particular). It also includes libels, indiscreet behavior and revealing one’s secrets, in the form of data, photos or videos, as well as the exclusion from the virtual social groups (forums, chat rooms etc.). However, some of the more specific forms of ICT-related exploitation are frequent as well: so-called grooming is the process in which children are persuaded or incited to participate in sexual interactions through Internet or electronic devices, thus being exposed to ill-favored pornographic texts or images, which in itself constitutes a criminal offence; sexting is an act of sending disturbing and sexually explicit content to another person, most often via SMS, MMS, electronic mail, or social networks and chat rooms.
Keywords: ICT; cyber bulling; datas; grooming; indiscreet behaviour; children exploitation.