Autor: Gheorghiță MATEUȚ
Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 2/2016
Disponibil online: aici.
Titlul lucrării în engleză: Appeal for annulment, between past and present, in the regulation of the applicable Code of criminal procedure
Abstract: In this study, the author describes the legal regime of the appeal for annulment, which is an extraordinary withdrawal remedy, as regulated in the Code of criminal procedure.
The structure and the body of the study reveal the comments on the legal nature from an historical and comparative law perspective, on the cases of the appeal for annulment, on the procedure of the appeal for annulment (including the remedies at law), and for the purpose of the above, it was taken into consideration the doctrine developed by important names in the field of domestic and international law (C. Tănase, G. Tudor, N. Volonciu, A.S. Uzlău, M. Udroiu, I. Tanoviceanu, I. Ionescu, V. Panțurescu, V. Dongoroz, S. Kahane, I. Oancea, I. Fodor, N. Iliescu, S. Petrovici, D.V. Mihăescu, V. Rămureanu, J. Pradel, M. Delmas Marty, Y. Desdevises, M.-L. Rassat, B. Bouloc, S. Guinchard, J. Buisson, J. Pradel, G. Roussel, F. Desportes, L. Lazerges-Cousquer, J. Larguier, Ph. Conte, H.-D. Bosly, D. Vandermeersch, M.-A. Beernaert, M. Franchimont, A. Jacobs, A. Masset, W.R. LaFave, J.H. Israel, Nancy J. King, Orin S. Kerr, Ch.E. Torcia, J.B. Haddad, E.P. Marsh, J.B. Zagel, L.R. Meyer, G.L. Starkman, W.J. Bauer, A. Vlășceanu, G. Tudor, Gr. Theodoru, C. Văleanu, Tr. Pop, I. Neagu).
Finally, the author puts forward brief considerations regarding the appeal for annulment, considering that this remedy is deemed the most comprehensive remedy at law in the matter of curing the errors of law.
Keywords: appeal for annulment; extraordinary remedy at law; withdrawal; errors of law.