Materiale asemănătoare
- Studiu privind modificarea Codului de procedură penală (ii). Probațiunea
- Evolution of the Law on the Execution of Criminal Penalties and Related Acts post 1989
- The enforcement of educational measures without deprivation of liberty. Difficulties encountered in practice
- Activităţile preliminare realizate de către echipa de cercetare în cazul constatării infracţiunilor de corupţie
- Efectuarea convorbirilor telefonice din penitenciar, de către persoanele condamnate – de la vocație la exercițiu
Autor: Florentina Olimpia MUŢIU
Publicat în: Journal Of Eastern European Criminal Law no. 1/2014
Revistă disponibilă: aici.
Abstract: The study aims to present the trajectory of Probation Services in Romania from the first implementation initiatives to their current configuration in accordance with the new regulations in criminal matters (the New Criminal Code, the New Criminal Procedure Code) correlated to the provisions of Law no. 252/2013 on the organization and functioning of probation system, Law no. 253/2013 on the enforcement of sanctions, educational measures and other noncustodial measures imposed by court during trial, Law no. 254/2013 on the enforcement of sanctions and measures involving deprivation of liberty ordered by the court during the trial.
Keywords: Probation services; custodial sanctions; noncustodial sanctions; social reintegration of offenders.