Autor: Mircea Constantin SINESCU, Ionuț-Cristian CARACOTI
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2017
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: The law conditions the application of its provisions only to the arbitrary conduct of the head of a political party, union, employers’ association or some non-profit corporate bodies. Considering the contradictory judgments pronounced so far in case law, we believe that some comments on the capacity of the passive subject against the active subject of an offense are required. In fact, we consider that the dispositions of this article should be conditioned only following some influence exercised on the members of one’s own political party, union, employers’ association or non-profit corporate bodies.
Keywords: head of political party; members of political party; exercising influence; using authority; offenses assimilated to corruption offenses; law no. 78/2000.