Materiale asemănătoare
- Cauzele care determină infracţionalitatea în rândul primarilor
- Câteva considerații de doctrină și practică judiciară privind răspunderea penală a persoanei juridice în lumina noului Cod penal
- Opinie critică referitoare la aplicarea pedepsei principale în cazul concursului de infracţiuni în prevederile noului Cod penal
- Aspecte teoretice și practice cu impact asupra instituției regimului de executare a pedepselor privative de libertate și a măsurilor educative privative de libertate
- Opinie critică referitoare la aplicarea pedepsei principale în cazul concursului de infracțiuni în prevederile noului Cod Penal
Autor: Alexandru RÎȘNIȚĂ
Publicat în: Studia UBB nr. 2/2014
Disponibil online: aici.
Cuvinte-cheie: obiect juridic; valoare socială protejată; imoralitate; ilegalitate; ratio legis.
The offense principal theory in criminal law – between exigency and unsubstantial
Abstract: The current article has set its aim to surpass the Romanian doctrine’s standstill concerning “The juridical object theory” (in a more acurrate legal translation “The Offense Principle Theory”) especially by analyzing the manner in which other legal systems embrace and understand this concept.
The study starts by exploring the origins, the conceptual definition and the existing phylum outlined by the world’s most prestigious scholars.
Moving on, the author analyzes both the old and the current Romanian view in matter of “juridical objects”. Both during and subsequent to this examination, the author is aptly devoted to expressing a series of compulsory critics concerning the different approaches regarding the subject.
After scrutinizing all the basic issues surrounding this matter, the writer firmly distinguishes between immorality and illegality, the juridical object and the norm’s ratio legis, culminating with juxtaposing the Constitution with all the above.
Subsequent to this analysis, the author asks and answers the following question: “Are there crimes without a “juridical object”?”.
After strongly debating this matter, the writer sums up by presenting the practical uses of the Theory and a short conclusion regarding all the above-mentioned subjects.
Keywords: juridical object; protected social value; imorallity, illegality; ratio legis.