Autor: Alin Sorin NICOLESCU
Publicat în: Challenges of the Knowledge Society 2017
Disponibil online: aici.
Abstract: With the entry into force of the New Criminal Code, the offenses of road safety on public roads have been repealed from the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 95/2002 and inserted into the contents of the normative document. At the time of the transition, the legislator has chosen to amend certain aspects relating to the existing criminal incriminations of antisocial deeds in direct connection with the road domain. The regulation of the offense for putting into circulation or driving an unlisted vehicle contained in the provisions of article 334 of the New Criminal Code has a correspondent in Article 85 of the GEO no. 195/2002 on the circulation on public roads. The deeds incriminated by the provisions referred to in Article 334 par. (1), (2), (3) and (4) have the content almost identical with the previous settlement thereof, with differences under the aspect of the sanctioning regime. Also, regarding the content, the only difference which is meant to better clarify the incrimination conditions refers to the requirement that the vehicle or the tram not to be registered or recorded according to the law. During the study, we shall try to present a series of theoretical aspects and judicial practice regarding the committing of such crimes.
Keywords: offenses; safety; roads; circulation; public; unlisted; vehicle.