Autor: Oleg BURLACU
Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 10/2018
Revistă disponibilă online: aici
Similarities and differences with regard to the regulation of international crimes in the national criminal legislation of Romania and of the Republic of Moldova
Abstract: This study proposes a comparative analysis of the norms of incrimination which include under the incidence of the criminal law some deeds recognized as international crimes through conventions and treaties. The crimes included in Title XII –Crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in the Romanian Criminal Code and the Crimes against the peace and security of mankind, war crimes defined by the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova are studied by the comparison method. From the comparison made the author comes to the conclusion that both the Romanian legislation and the legislation of the Republic of Moldova have fully complied with the international provisions in the field of regulation of international crimes. In addition, it is appreciated that both states, through their own legislative regime, have taken steps to make the national laws uniform with the international regulations, in order to provide a unitary framework in respect of sanctioning of the international crimes.
Keywords: genocide; crimes against humanity; war crimes; the Romanian Criminal Code; the Criminal Code of the Republic of Moldova;