Autor: Valentin-Cristian ȘTEFAN
Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 9/2018
Revistă disponibilă online: aici
Cuvinte-cheie: proces-verbal de constatare și sancționare a contravenției; acuzație penală în sens convențional; condițiile de bază și formale; efecte;
The aptitude of the official report of finding and sanctioning the contravention to represent a criminal charge in a conventional sense
Abstract: This study emphasizes that, from a substantial point of view, the criteria required to be fulfilled for cataloguing a deed as pertaining to the criminal domain are: the qualification of the deed in the domestic law, the nature of the deed and the purpose and the severity of the sanction. Formally, an official report of finding and sanctioning the contravention which represents at the same time also a criminal charge in the conventional sense must cumulatively include the description of the deed and the presentation of the legal classification. The effect of classifying the report of finding and sanctioning the contravention in the category of the criminal charge in a conventional sense is given by the fact that to the procedure for finding and sanctioning the contravention there are attached its own guarantees of a fair trial. The presumption of lawfulness of the report is compatible with the presumption of innocence only if it respects certain limits, taking into account the gravity of the stake and protecting the rights of the defence. The limits of the presumption of lawfulness of the official report, in the context of protecting the rights of the defence, are: the imperative that the deed be perceived directly, through its own senses, by the fact-finding agent and the exigence not to impose on the person concerned an impossible task, as regards the administration of the proof to the contrary.
Keywords: official report of finding and sanctioning the contravention; criminal accusation in the conventional sense; basic and formal conditions; effects;