Autor: Bogdan Alexandru URS
Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 6/2018
Revistă disponibilă: aici
Cuvinte-cheie: criminalitatea cibernetică; Cloud Computing; infracțiunea în Cloud; migrarea criminalității cibernetice; infractori cibernetici;
Migration of cybercrime in the Cloud Computing environment
Abstract: In our previous study we have analyzed cybercrime in the Cloud Computing environment. Our research led us to the conclusion that, with the rise of Cloud Computing services, cybercriminals benefit of new and improved ways of conducting their illicit activity, thus using the Cloud environment as an instrument or as a specific target. Furthermore, we have discovered that cybercrime is constantly changing. Emerging technology trends like Big Data, Social Networks, the Internet of Things and Cloud Computing services change the way that cybercriminals act today. As more and more relevant data is located in the Cloud, the cybercrime threat also increases. Cloud Computing also offers immense computing power at the disposal of nearly anyone, criminals included. This leads to the migration phenomenon of cybercrime. Traditional forms of cybercrime are gradually replaced by new and more complex ones, like those that occur in Cloud Computing and in other information technology environments. Our study shows that there are a series of factors that are held responsible for the cybercrime migration phenomenon. These factors include: powerful processing power, huge volumes of valuable data, extended service availability, risk of mass attacks, vanishing fingerprints, adaptable crime tools and others. Only by examining the way that cybercrime evolves we will be able to reduce its harmful effects.
Keywords: cybercrime; Cloud Computing; Cloud crime; cybercrime migration; cyber offenders;