Autor: Oleg BURLACU
Publicat în: Revista Dreptul nr. 2/2018
Revistă disponibilă: aici
Cuvinte-cheie: furt; pedeapsa complementară; interzicerea exercitării dreptului de a practica o profesie; natura necesară a pedepsei complementare;
Complementary punishment and the necessity to prohibit the exercise of the right to pursue an activity in case of commiting an offence of theft – article 228 of the criminal code
Abstract: This study discusses a novel issue in the field of theory and case law of the criminal law. It deals with the necessity to apply the complementary punishment of prohibiting the exercise of the right to pursue the activity of babysitter in the case of the persons who, acting in this capacity, have committed the offence of theft of goods located in the building in which they had access. The author claims that such necessity exists because, in this way, those persons will no longer be able to commit offences acting in the capacity they had throughout the incidence thereof.
Keywords: theft; complementary punishment; prohibiting the exercise of the right to practice the profession; necessary nature of the complementary punishment.