Autor:  Marius-Bogdan-Ionuț COMȘA

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 4/2020

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Cuvinte-cheie: percheziție, expertiza genetică criminalistică, refuzul de a i se preleva probe, lipsa consimțământului, examinare fizică, mostre biologice.

The possibility of using force by the persons entitled according to art. 190 para. (7) Criminal Procedure Code for the implementation of the order of physical examination, ordered based on art. 190 para. (2) or (5) Criminal Procedure Code, in case of lack of consent of the person to be examined

Abstract: The author aims to bring to public attention a unique legal situation encountered in judicial practice, presenting a series of logical-legal arguments designed to help clarify in all respects the legal issue of lack of consent of the person undergoing a physical examination for biological sampling.

Keywords: search, forensic genetic expertise, refusal of sampling, lack of consent, biological sampling, physical examination.