Autor: Aurelian Mirel TOADER

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 4/2020

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Cuvinte-cheie: acțiune penală, procuror, condiție legală, procedură penală, competență, acuzare, inculpat.

The initiation of the criminal action, the last act of the criminal investigation?

Abstract: The initiation of the criminal action crowns the evidentiary and the investigative efforts made by the prosecution, representing the official and public accusation made against a certain person, regarding the commission of a crime. From that perspective, although the Code of Criminal Procedure places the act of initiating criminal action during the investigative phase, prosecutors understood the importance of this act in the dynamics of the proceedings, so that, except in cases where urgent preventive measures are required against the defendant, the order to initiate the criminal action becomes really the last and the most important act of the criminal investigation.

Keywords: criminal action, prosecutor, legal condition, criminal procedure, defendant, competence, accusation.