Autor: Tudorel TOADER, Marieta SAFTA

Publicat în: Revista de drept constituțional nr. 2/2019

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Abstract: The Pre-trial Chamber was introduced in criminal proceedings as a new concept aimed at eliminating the excessive length of proceedings in the trial stage, and, at the same time, as a procedural remedy designed to meet the requirements of legality, celerity and fairness of criminal proceedings. The rules governing it have been repeatedly challenged by way of exceptions of unconstitutionality, some of the exceptions being allowed, with the consequent amendment of the legal reference texts. This study approaches the case-law of the Constitutional Court by which the constitutionalisation of this stage of the criminal proceedings was achieved, with the consequence of significant changes, inviting reflection on the new configuration of the Pre-trial Chamber, from the perspective of regulatory intent.

Cuvinte-cheie: camera preliminară, control constituțional, proces echitabil, efectele deciziilor Curții Constituționale.