Autori: Gheorghe Popa, Alina Teacă

Publicat în: Analele Universității „Titu Maiorescu”, 2020

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Abstract: Until now, graphics have been used to describe, illustrate, communicate quantitative data and information such as graphs and diagrams. From the fusion of graphics with technology resulted computerized three-dimensional graphics, a field of graphics that deals with the geometric representation of the three-dimensional surfaces of an object, through specialized software. While at international level experimental method based on three-dimensional technology, respectively, three-dimensional computer graphics betide a real paradigm in forensic expertise, at national level, they are almost missing, being used very isolated and mainly in forensics road traffic accident expertise. Currently, guidelines are being developed to facilitate the implementation of threedimensional technologies in forensic identification activity at international level and we will note that the phenomenon of digitization will not bypass the activity of Romanian forensic expertise, being only a matter of time until theoretical information it will connect with empirical evidence and eliminate the prejudices that have arisen around three-dimensional technologies. Given this circumstance, this article aims to make a brief comparative analysis to outline the particularities of experimental methods based on three-dimensional technology used by other states, in forensic expertise.

Keywords: forensic expertise, three-dimensional computer graphics, virtual reality, augmented reality