Autor: Remus JURJ

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 4/2021

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Cuvinte-cheie: trofeu de vânătoare, patrimoniul național cinegetic, patrimoniul cultural de bunuri mobile, exportul ilegal de specii CITES.

Illegal removal from the country of hunting trophies of national heritage – an offense provided by art. 44 lit. a) of Law no. 407/2006 or offense provided by art. 83 para. (1) of Law no. 182/2000

Abstract: In the current article it is comparatively analyzed the legal classification of the deeds of illegal collection of hunting trophies, according to their classification as assets of the national heritage, natural cultural heritage assets or CITES species, not classified as heritage assets. The author’s opinion is that Law no. 407/2006 on hunting and protection of the hunting fund is not a special law related to Law no. 182/2000, which protects the mobile cultural heritage, the two laws having different criminal regulations regarding the illegal removal from the country of hunting trophies with a heritage value.

Keywords: hunting trophy, national hunting heritage, mobile cultural heritage, illegal export of CITES species.