Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 3/2021
Disponibil online: aici
Cuvinte-cheie: serviciul de informații, urmărire penală, prevenirea și lupta contra crimei organizate, Curtea Constituțională a României, infracțiuni de terorism și contra siguranței naționale.
The role of intelligence services in the activity of preventing and combating organized crime
Abstract: The intelligence services and the criminal investigation bodies certainly have distinct attributions, regulated by special laws and the Code of Criminal Procedure, the intelligence activity having a secret character, while the criminal investigation activity is non-public. However, the bodies with responsibilities in the field of national security, through their workers, may carry out restrictive criminal prosecution acts provided by law only on the basis of the prosecutor’s delegation and only in cases involving crimes against national security or terrorism, their role in other criminal cases being that of notifying the competent bodies about the data and information they have, regarding the preparation or commission of an act provided by the criminal law. The realities of contemporary society have imposed the need for intelligence services and prosecutors to work together under the law, but also in an informal manner, in order to combat organized crime, a phenomenon that transcends national borders and globally affects the society.
Keywords: intelligence services, criminal prosecution, prevention and fight against organized crime, the Constitutional Court of Romania, crimes of terrorism and against national security.