Autor: Grigore-Florin POPESCU

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2021

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Cuvinte-cheie: prorogarea de competență, cauze reunite, militari, civili, disjungere.

About the competence of the civil court for settling a case concerning civil and military perpetrators, in the event of convicting a civilian after the abbreviated procedure of admission of guilt, before pronouncing the solution against the military following the common law procedure

Abstract: The author examines the issue of establishing the jurisdiction of the civil court to try a military defendant in case a civilian defendant, sent to court together with the military, was convicted after the abbreviated procedure of acknowledging the accusation, and for the military defendant the criminal trial will take place according to the usual procedure.

Keywords: extension of competence, joined cases, military, civilian, disjunction.