Autor:  Dana-Cristina BUNEA

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2021

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Cuvinte-cheie: discriminare, rasism, violență, femei, orientare sexuală, etnie, autoritate, investigare.

Fight against discrimination and xenophobia – principles of the European Court of Human Rights

Abstract: The present article deals with the issue of discrimination grounded on the sex, the sexual orientation and the ethnicity of the victims. It first refers to the notion of the discrimination, then to the principles set forth by the European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence, to the most relevant cases delivered in respect of Romania and finally to the application of these principles at national level. Although there are only three grounds of discrimination examined in this material, there are nonetheless other reasons for which people in similar situation may be treated in a different manner without an objective and reasonable justification, the grounds listed in the European Convention on Human Rights not being exhaustive.

Keywords: discrimination, racism, violence, women, sexual orientation, ethnicity, authority, investigation.