Autor: Irinel ROTARIU
Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2021
Disponibil online: aici
Cuvinte-cheie: Ministerul Public, procuror militar, independența magistratului, investigația penală a ofițerilor din armată, prevenirea și combaterea infracțiunilor militare.
Military prosecutor’s offices, between loyalty and defeatism
Abstract: The military prosecutor’s offices are a component of the Romanian Public Ministry found at all its hierarchical levels, which investigates crimes committed by the military, but also by civilian participants in the deeds committed by them. Military prosecutors of Romania are independent magistrates and the magistrate’s status is applicable to them, but also those provisions of Law no. 80/1995 on the status of military personnel, such as those relating to the granting of military ranks, certain provisions on the wearing of military uniform, the food norms, the execution of physical training, infantry firing, classified documents etc.
Keywords: Public Ministry, military prosecutor, independent magistrate, criminal investigation officers in the Army, preventing and combating military crime.