Autor: Leontin Matei

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2021

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Cuvinte-cheie: claritate, acuratețe, predictibilitatea și accesibilitatea legii penale.

JThe offense provided by art. 37 (a) of Law no. 126/1995 regarding the status of explosive materials. Aspects of unconstitutionality

Abstract: In this article the author analyses the constitutionality of art. 37 letter a) of Law no. 126/1995 from the perspective of the Constitutional Court of Romania and the European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence, concluding that the analysed legislation doesn’t comply with the conditions of predictability and accessibility, being contrary to art. 1 para. (5) of the Romanian Constitution.

Keywords: clarity, accuracy, predictability and accessibility of criminal law.