Autor: Luminița NICOLESCU

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2020

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Linking national legislation with international conventions on the protection of juveniles, particularly child victims

Abstract: The obligation of the state to protect the juveniles can take various shapes, depending on the specific risk of violence to which they are exposed to and the source of the violence. The many conventions adopted at the European and global level provide detailed guarantees on the protection of children against the specific forms of violence and have set up monitoring bodies responsible for overseeing their implementation. The states that have ratified them have adapted their specific legislation as a result of their obligations. This article comparatively examines the specific legislation in Romania in relation to the provisions of the international conventions, concluding that the Romanian state has created effective legal instruments of criminal law and civil law, in order to protect juvenile victims from domestic violence and of exploitation of any kind, necessary for the protection of the abused juvenile, exploited or injured, in his rights, in any manner.

Keywords: child, minor victim, child trafficking, child rights, child pornography.