Autor: Dragoș-Nicolae DUMITRU
Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 2/2020
The French model regarding the protection of victims of domestic violence. Particular safeguards taken by the French authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic
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Abstract: The particular context of the isolation of the population at home, a measure indispensable for the containment of the COVID-19 pandemic, has unfortunately been a favorable field for the growth of domestic and intrafamily violence, a phenomenon increasing in France by about 71% since the beginning of the health crisis, compared to the same period of 2019. The situation has led the French authorities to call for multiple innovative solutions in order to ensure the most effective protection of the vulnerable people subjected to domestic violence, given that women had, during this period, less opportunities to leave their homes, to evade violence or to issue an alert.
Keywords: domestic violence, protection, urgent measures, COVID-19, pandemic