Autor: Raul Alexandru NESTOR
Publicat în: 2021,
Disponibil online: aici.
Rezumat: The current period, characterized by pandemic-specific travel restrictions, has led to several difficulties in the area of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters. As a consequence of travel restrictions, there have been cases where national courts have ordered the pre-trial detention of persons for surrender under a European warrant, but these persons have not been handed over to the issuing authorities and have been released on the expiry of the 180 days. Given the impossibility of organizing take-over missions, precisely because of travel restrictions, we believe that the national legislature should also regulate the possibility of alternative preventive measures in the procedure for executing the European arrest warrant issued for surrender.
Cuvinte-cheie: măsură preventivă; mandat european de arestare; de lege ferenda; cooperare judiciară internațională.