Autor: Anjie Goh

Publicat în: Revista Universul Juridic nr. 6/2020

Articol disponibil onlineaici.

Abstract: The present material adresses the topic of witnesses hearing and witnesses testimonies, aiming to present some of the main controversial aspects of jurisprudence, among which, as an example, we can list the following: the probative value of witness statements in case of changing statements during the trial, the effects of witness statements when the witness is turned into the suspect, the possibility to legally deny to be a witness in a criminal procedure. Also, without being exhaustive, the study aims the procedural guarantees of witnesses and the limits of their rights and obligations. During the material we mention some of the most relevant recent court decisions of our national High Court of Cassation and Justice and of Constitutional Court on the witnesses hearing and the probative values of the testimonies.

Keywords: witness, testimony, probative value, jurisprudence, change of testimony,
procedural guarantees.