Autor: Cristian-Valentin ȘTEFAN
Publicat în: Caiete de drept penal nr. 4/2020
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Titlul lucrării în limba engleză: False in acts under private signature
- The fact of contributing with support acts to the forgery of an act under private signature and afterwards using the act thus forgered (entrusted for use by the author of the initial forgergy), in order to produce legal consequences, represents co-authored to the false under private signature acts offence.
- The fact of contributing, in two occasions to the forgery of two acts under private signature and of using, in one occasion both forged acts (entrusted for use by the author of the initial forgery), in order to produce legal consequences, constitutes a material act of forgery of acts under private signature.
Keywords: forgery of acts under private signature; criminal participation form; material acts number