Autor: Radu-Vlad Pojan
Publicat în: Curierul Judiciar nr. 4/2020
Revistă disponibilă: aici.
Rezumat realizat de redacție: Articolul tratează problema compensațiilor pentru condițiile de detenție inadecvate din sistemul penitenciar românesc, cu accent pe relația dintre „recursul compensatoriu” și acordarea despăgubirilor bănești pe calea internă, de drept comun, a acțiunii în răspundere civilă delictuală. Obiectivele articolului constau în analiza remediilor compensatorii interne aplicabile în cazul condițiilor de detenție, a căror deficiențe au condus la încălcarea art. 3 din Convenție, precum și a relației dintre acestea, din perspectiva obținerii de despăgubiri bănești.
The effect of the compensatory appeal on the granting of monetary compensations requested for conditions of detention in the penitentiary, non-compliant with art. 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights
Abstract: The article deals with the issue of compensation for inadequate detention conditions in the Romanian penitentiary system, with emphasis on the relationship between the compensation mechanism known as „compensatory appeal” and the granting of damages, by common law. The objectives of the article consist in the analysis of the internal compensatory remedies applicable in case of detention conditions, whose deficiencies led to the violation of art. 3 of the ECHR/Convention, and the relationship between them, from the perspective of obtaining monetary compensations. The results of the research show that the legislation provided, at one time, a specific compensatory measure, popularly called „compensatory appeal”, which, does not apply to periods of punishment executed before 24.07.2012 or after the entry into force of Law no. 240/2019 and a non-specific compensatory internal appeal, consisting in the action in tortious civil liability. The benefit of the compensatory days, obtained thanks to the “compensatory appeal”, removes the possibility of obtaining monetary compensations for non-compliant detention conditions, related to one and the same period. The implications consist in clarifying the discussed issue, facilitating a unitary practice.
Keywords: conditions of detention; remedies; penitentiary.