Autor: Ana-Maria Pîrvu

Publicat în: Revista Pro Lege nr. 1/2017

Disponibil online: aici.

Cuvinte-cheie: Termenul de decădere al procurorului din exercițiul dreptului de a propune prelungirea arestării preventive; metodă de calcul; natură juridică

Abstract: The author presents some interesting aspects regarding the calculation method and the judicial nature of the 5 days term provided in art. 235 par. (1) from The Criminal Procedure Code, established by the legislator for the deposition of the prosecutor for the proposal of extension of the preventive arrest at he Judge of rights and freedoms, taking into consideration the considerations from the Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no. 336/2015, as well as the opinion in the matter

Keywords: the term of deposition of the prosecutor for the proposal of extension of the preventive arrest; calculation method; judicial nature