Autor: Codrin Rebeleanu, Daniel Ureche, Ştefan Anitan, Dan Perju-Dumbravă

Publicat în: SUBB Iurisprudentia nr. 2/2017

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Particularities of road traffic accidents involving  motocycles – two case studies

Abstract: The motorcycle has become a true culture in our society, so it is important to analyze its use in Romanian society. The most common cases of motorcycle accidents are those of a motorcycle and a car, most of which have resulted in death or serious injuries to drivers. Specialty literature recommends wearing a closed helmet, a leather armor, hard armrests, gloves, special knee pants and tibia and leather boots with a metal fitting. The study of Rome, conducted in Australia, on a number of over 200 motorcyclists involved in road accidents allowed the assessment of the reduction in the relative risk of bodily injury for each piece of the protective suit. This article aims to present two cases of motorcycle fatal accidents, one in which the driver of the motorcycle wore complete protective equipment and the other in which the driver did not wear any protective equipment besides the helmet. In conclusion, an exponential increase in the frequency and severity of injuries can be observed in the absence of protective equipment, which is why it is important to complete the legal provisions in Romania on this issue, in order to better protect motorcycle riders.

Keywords:  Motorcycles; protective equipment; death; injuries; serious accidents.